
The timeline for the game is between 2034 and 2134. It assumes that during the next 25 years, national governments weakened by climate change, and economic social unrest consolidate into larger-minded superstates, or supranational unions which allow them to survive. These states present the player with the starting game 16 factions.

You can also learn about the milita faction which is a unique faction in the game.

Faction Status
United States

In Game
Russian Federation
In Game
European Union

In Game
People’s Republic of China

In Game
Cartel Militia ForcesIn Development
Western Militia ForcesIn Development
Eastern Militia ForcesIn Development
Caliphate Militia ForcesIn Development
Indian Federation

In Development
West African Union

In Development
North African Alliance

In Development
South African Economic Security Organization

In Development
Union of South American States
In Development
South Asian Treaty Organization

In Development
Middle Eastern Coalition

In Development
Union of Islamic Revolutionary States

In Development
Organization of Turkish States

In Development