The Game Loop

The Game Loop

How do you play this Game?

First were going to talk about the single-player game mode. This is a blend of Grand Strategy 4X (Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate) gameplay and military vehicle combat simulation. It will present the player will a series of world events. Each primary faction will have to balance between population needs and military needs. Moving too far in either direction can result in a civil war within your own faction.

The game is designed to play through roughly the next 100 years. New technologies can be researched which unlock better and better chances for you to avoid a negative ending. Negative endings include civil wars, nuclear war, and a number of other doomsday-like events.

The time and flow of these events are randomized so you won’t get the same experience each play-through. The game starts in 2034.

So when you start the single-player mode the first thing you can do is start a NEW GAME or LOAD a previous game.

If you want instant action you can click on any of the quick demos which are pre-load missions that allow you to play quickly and test out the gameplay without committing to a full single-player game. We will expand this as the combat vehicles are brought online.

Selected one of the four factions to start the game, there are ten planned factions.

Once the world starts you have access to the World Map.

The world map is the hub for the single-player game. You can speed up or slow down the world.

You can view each province you control and the infrastructure in the province. Each province produces resources which are can be traded or used to power your economy. New resources can be discovered through research and unlock more advanced infrastructure like nuclear fusion reactors.

Diplomacy is part of the gameplay where you must work with your allies and keep your rivals at bay. Using covert means they will fund rebel groups in your country, they will try to undermine your rule in your own provinces and your allies. Using diplomacy or covert actions you can also turn a rival into an ally, but this process takes much longer and requires using trade (carrot) and covert actions (stick).

The Military option.

All countries can be invaded and provinces annexed. Once you capture a province you must destroy the local militias. To do that you must conduct missions using your army, navy, and air force.

You can create units and move them around military bases in provinces you control.

Military units are commanded by an officer who is randomly generated and has a backstory, keeping these commanders alive is key to combat success.

Military units can be composed of dozens of different types of vehicles.

Add military variants of the vehicles and custom your units to be optimized for air defense, combined arms or amphibious assault.

Campaigns are composed of a series of dynamic missions that feature a wide array of vehicle types. Some tasks will require you to destroy enemy ground forces, or air missions that require to you provide close air support the full list of mission types is here.

You can do a few other things besides diplomacy and waging war. The game features a full research tree system with over 300 types of research across 10 areas. Once you discover advanced new technology they unlock new infrastructure, resources, and weapons. Some examples include:

There are over 300 branching research topics.

Historical bias and deep country relations powered by real-life data. Countries’ resources can be sold and bought allowing you to fund your army or your people it’s your choice.