Spring Updates

Spring Updates

Let’s take a deep dive into the game systems and vehicle mechanics.

Let’s look at the MRAP class, right now the MRAP is available for all factions.

The MRAP for the US is based on the M-ATV, it comes in 8 combat variants which your progressive unlock based on your tech tree.

Each vehicle in the game has a core Unit Data which tells the game who and what they are, each vehicle class has there unique stats and core sensor systems.

Vehicles have internals modeled and sensors and crew can be damaged during missions.

We going to dive into the game code, we have the vehicle combat and sensors.
The game will feature Radar, Sonar, Electronic Warfare, and Jamming systems which will allow the player to experience modern digital warfare. Using drones to target enemies and long-range weapon systems.

The MRAP NLOS variant which uses 4 long-range missiles can use both laser-designated targets and radar-guided targets. In the video below you can see the MRAP extending its optics mast and then using the laser designator to target and destroy a radar station 4 km away.