Author: user

Weapons Systems

There are a lot of weapons in the game. The goal was to offer all four factions an assortment of weapons. Each vehicle will have a set of configured weapons; ground vehicles and ships generally have fixed weapons; for aircraft and helicopters, you can customize the load out before each mission. Weapons & Sensors have…
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Kill Capture Destroy Game Design Documents

This post is going to be huge, and the reason is that it’s including the original game design documents for KCD were broken up into three parts documents each document was over 50 pages, covering air combat, ground combat, and naval combat. I have copied them from my google docs into here for you to…
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The Game Loop

How do you play this Game? First were going to talk about the single-player game mode. This is a blend of Grand Strategy 4X (Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate) gameplay and military vehicle combat simulation. It will present the player will a series of world events. Each primary faction will have to balance between population needs…
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Militia Forces

The Militia forces are the rebels/insurgents/freedom fighters that form when your country’s government population drops to low enough levels that lawlessness takes hold in provinces that you or your enemies control. Rebels can be used to destabilize a rival country, and they can also be used to topple dictatorships. This represents a period when normal…
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China in 2034 at the start of the game. The Chinese state has emerged as a formidable force, boasting the largest economy and population in the world. Under the steadfast leadership of Xi, the ruling Communist Party has wielded significant influence, shaping the nation’s trajectory. Nevertheless, the loyalty of the younger generation towards the Party…
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M1 Abrams X

The Abrams X is an advanced next-generation main battle tank. It combined advanced sensors and lethality to maintain dominance on the battlefield. The M1AX carries upgraded CIWS sights with improved night and thermal optics, a laser rangefinder, and automated detection and tracking AI. This allows the M1AX to spot targets up to 12km away. The…
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The VIPER ARV is Armed Reconnisase Vehicle designed for amphibious forward scouting and target designation. The Viper can travel over land or water under armored protection up to NATO Level 2. Its crew of three operates the driver, sensor payload, and vehicle commander. The VIPER can be mounted with an RWS up to 30mm M230…
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United States

The United States at the start of the game. The United States, once hailed as the pinnacle of technological and military might, has seen its supremacy gradually diminish since the conclusion of World War II. Although still boasting a formidable military and leading advancements in various fields such as computers, pharmaceuticals, medical, aerospace, and military…
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European Union

European Union in 2030 Military Rank 4th Economic Rank 5th Social Stability Rank 2nd Technology Rank 3rd The 30 member states that make up the EU have adopted an internal single market with free movement of goods, services, capital, and labor. The EU is foremost a customs union, that aims to bolster Europe’s trade position…
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Drone combat is here to stay, so I decided to bring it into the game, find bunkers, and drop frag grenades on them.